Lets go for a swim!

This week I implemented a swimming mechanic, and also started working on a large update for next week. I do have large plans for the water in our fantasy world including diving an boats and underwater farming ;) Implementing swimming turned out to be a much larger task than I was expecting it to be but in the end I would say it was a worth while addition. Anyways I might post a few things in the middle of the week as I made a lot of progress this week and there is a lot to share. So see you guys soon!

check out the game dev progress here https://www.instagram.com/thegamesmit... 

support me on patreon here https://www.patreon.com/_TheGameSmith_

or see my youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVLjUJvdbMsVu09lLlez7g

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